KAI Club communication 01 National Motion Features Kai Xfit5
Gillette PROGLIDE electric/normal model: My impressions after shaving with a small micro razor 3
Gillette PROGLIDE Air: My impressions of shaving with a small micro razor 2
Gillette ProShield: My experience shaving with a small micro razor
I was moved by the sight of someone taking over the family business (the family of a barber who I work with on a daily basis)
Florence, Italy Workshop Tour (Craftsman's Workplace) From our first encounter in 1993 to the present
The diameter of a beard is 0.1mm, the thickness of a razor is 0.08mm. The science of shaving
6 points and tips to avoid razor burn
Enjoy blissful moments with a double-edged razor: its appeal and how to prevent razor burn
Teaching shaving to middle and high school boys - Shaving for teenagers
Easy steamed towel at home ~ Barber at home #1
How to use a shaving brush ~ Barber at home #2