I became a longing Moustache Salor man! (YouTube!)
Actually, the project I had been thinking from May!
"I want to ride a yacht with a stubble!"
This is, I watched a movie called Castway starring Tom Hanks before!
It's a true story, so it's really a tough story, but the beard at that time was wild, cool, and the image of the sea and mustache matched me!
And I know Mr. Maruyama (commonly known as B Maru) enjoys the yacht in Zushi, so put it on! I was asking, but the schedule did not match due to an emergency declaration, so this time it fits.
And how! B Maru -san had a YouTube site and took a picture!
You can watch it yourself! I am satisfied with
Official YouTube
Mastash Saylor
It's a fun site to fish
Memorial photo book
I was happy to have such an experience!
A yacht while catching the natural wind!
I just turned up and read the wind.
Unlike that, B Maru -san, who naturally grabs the wind with a sense and a wealth of experience!
As for anything, the yacht told me that the knowledge I gained from many years of experience is something that comes out naturally.
I want to go again!
