About Us
About Razor Club
What is the Razor Club?
Kamisori Club is a men's grooming specialty store that was founded in 1903 and mainly sells razors. Utilizing the expertise it has cultivated over the past 120 years, it manufactures and sells original razors and grooming goods, supports product development, plans events, and oversees shaving techniques and tools featured in various media.
Shaving is a ritual.
Our mission is to find the cultural value in razors, which are often seen as just another blade, and to continue to pursue this.
Human beings have developed various cultures since the dawn of time on this earth. Similarly, the act of shaving has evolved through various stages to become shaving with a razor. The razor itself has also evolved through various forms from ancient times to the present, with particularly remarkable developments from the mid-18th century, and has continued to this day.
Shaving is an everyday activity seen among humans, especially men, and its cultural value has been overlooked because it is a repetitive, simple action. KAZOR CLUB has reaffirmed its belief that shaving is an activity that can be traced back to the origins of human culture, and that it promises us the "leisure" we seek in our extremely busy modern social lives.

Logo mark
This figure is the trademark of Razor Club. It is a "Father's sculptural character" that was devised to express gratitude to fathers by crossing two double-edged razor holders, which symbolize razors. We hope that you will experience a refreshing shaving experience as a tool for men to use every day.
Planning, manufacturing and sales of unique razors
We create unique products such as the classical shaving set, which is popular as a luxury gift for men, as well as tie-up and Razor Club original products, to provide a high-quality shaving experience.
- Manufacture and sale of Italian-made classical shaving sets
- Product planning and development in collaboration with manufacturers and shops
- Consulting on store planning and lineup
Preserving and passing on the culture of shaving
Since establishing the "Shaving Culture Museum 50 Takeuchi Razor Club" in 1989, we have been working to preserve and pass on the history and culture of "shaving" and "razors" by operating showrooms and barber shops.
Popularization and enlightenment of wet shaving
The "Beard Club," a group of beard professionals, is active in movies and television. Through demonstrations, shaving techniques and knowledge, and content supervision, they strive to popularize correct and comfortable wet shaving.
- Management of the Hige Club (a unique, professional performance group active in the field)
- Cooperation/supervision/technical guidance for various media such as movies and TV
- Promotional event planning and management

A classical barbershop in Yokohama
Simple, classical barber styles and beard designs that live on in Yokohama, the birthplace of Western barbering.
Including the Beard Club
Media Coverage and Event Examples
Television, radio, etc.
TBS Television "Matsuko's Unknown World", TBS Radio "Jane Sue's Life is Dancing", TV Tokyo "Moyamoya Summers 2" "Ad Town Heaven", Fuji Television "MATSU Bocchi", Radio Nippon "Matt Yasukawa's Straightforward Battle", BS Nippon Television, J:COM TV
History of the Razor (First Edition 1994 / 2021 Revised Electronic Edition)
Magazines, Web, etc. <br/>Weekly Bunshun / Nikkei Newspaper MJ / Nikkei Trendy / Shueisha Online / OCEAN / POPEYE / GINZA / GQ JAPAN / Men's JOKER / Ei Shuppansha Mook / All About / JCAST News / PROF RIKEI
Events Tokyo Auto Salon / Interior Lifestyle / Movember Charity / Kanagawa Prefecture Barbers Association / NTT Communications Rugby Club "Shining Arcs" / Various PR campaigns
Others <br/>Supervision of promotional videos for razor manufacturers
商号 | 株式会社カミソリ倶楽部 |
本社 | 〒206-0823 東京都稲城市平尾2-54-5 |
営業時間 | 10:00〜17:00 / 休日 土・日・祝日 |
設立 | 平成12年10月30日 |
資本金 | 1,000万円 |
顧問弁護士 | 萬 幸男 |
顧問税理士 | 久米税理士 |
取引銀行 | みずほ銀行、東京三菱銀行 そのほか |
主要販売先 | バーニーズ ジャパン(日本 バーニーズNY)、パナソニック コンシューマーマーケティング(株)、(株)東急ハンズ、(株)丸善、TUTAYA、(株)オンワード樫山 等(順不同) |
古物商許可番号 | 神奈川県公安委員会 第452490003855 竹内 教起 |
Partner & Fellow
Partner Fellows
We work with partners and fellows who have a wide range of skills and personalities.

Beard Club
The "Beard Club," a group of beard professionals, is active in movies and television. Through demonstrations, shaving techniques and knowledge, and content supervision, they strive to popularize correct and comfortable wet shaving.
- Management of the Hige Club (a unique, professional performance group active in the field)
- Cooperation/supervision/technical guidance for various media such as movies and TV
- Promotional event planning and management

Lady Barbers
These are three female barbers who work in the local community. We will be talking to them about their knowledge and tips on barbering from a female perspective.

Representative Director Yasuki Takeuchi ( Representative Introduction and Greetings )

Site Manager and Supervisor Norio Takeuchi ( profile )
The Beginnings of the Razor Club
Its foundation was the opening of the Suzutoku Safety Razor Factory in Kanda, Tokyo in 1903. They manufactured razors, but the war caused the supply of steel to stop and the factory was closed. So Takeuchi Kinzo opened a wholesaler of cutlery, focusing on razors. After the war, the company was renamed Sanpo Shoji Co., Ltd., and before trade liberalization, they picked up the Injector razor made by the American company Ever Sharp, thought it was amazing, and felt it was suitable for the stiff beards of Japanese people, so they imported and sold it in Japan.
This marked the beginning of the sale of Schick products in Japan.
Later, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its founding, the Shaving Culture Center Razor Club was opened in Harajuku in 1988.
In 2000, we opened a razor specialty store called Shinsei Kazori Club in Minami Aoyama, Tokyo. At the same time, we started selling our products online, and in 2013, we moved to Yokohama, the birthplace of Western barbering, and opened a private shop & showroom as well as a barber shop.
Razor Club Books

The photojournalist traveled intermittently over the course of seven years on "THE WORLD BARBER TOUR," traveling a total distance of 60,000 km and meeting over 500 barbers.
And while they are at the mercy of rapidly changing circumstances such as the global recession and conflict, the lively expressions of the barbers who are trying their best to live their lives speak to the diversity of local climates and cultures, and I was able to encounter a number of dramatic stories.

A history of razors written by a man who pursued razor culture and was passionate about the razor business after the liberalization of imports after the war.
It also introduces stories such as the fierce market share battle between Schick and Gillette, and why they received an encouraging message from the US President. (First published in 1994)
To all manufacturers who wish to handle our products:
Regarding new products available at KAZOR CLUB
At Kazori Club, we mainly sell our own branded products, but we also have a number of items that we would like to introduce as a specialty store.
We respect the passion that goes into each and every manufacturer's products.
We do not compare ourselves to other companies.
However, I will definitely try out the products myself and ask any questions I have.
This is because we want to know more about the product and become fans ourselves. We are also a manufacturer and distributor of the product in Italy.
Therefore, we would like to share the values, worldviews, and stories that each item has. Specialized stores are skilled at promoting the merits of each product to the fullest, although it may be a bit self-serving.
We would like to communicate together the wonders of men's grooming, and we sincerely feel that this is the mission of the Razor Club.
Please feel free to introduce your wonderful products to us.
Featured collection

The birth of the universal razor holder
Early 1900s
Tokuemon Suzuki, a craftsman at the Suzutoku Safety Razor Factory, created a "razor holder" for general use. At the time, production was limited as it was done by hand, but his wife Kai had a deep passion for business and had a strong influence on Kinzo Takeuchi, who would later develop the Japanese market for razors.

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