The diameter of a beard is 0.1mm, the thickness of a razor is 0.08mm. The science of shaving
The origin of the name MICRO, a small and cute razor. A passion since 1998!
The first MICRO model is loved for its weight, ease of use, and cuteness as interior decoration.
GQ Japan may
Comfortable Shaving MICRO Part 3 (Shaved Head)
4 years ago Nostalgic Steamed Towel Utilization Articles toel-
I was so excited that I was so excited about the fact that I was so excited.
I was moved by the sight of someone taking over the family business (the family of a barber who I work with on a daily basis)
Easy steamed towel at home ~ Barber at home #1
How to use a shaving brush ~ Barber at home #2
Culture that began with seashells and the trajectory of the Japanese market Kindle Edition
I printed my dog's logo on my razor and it became even cuter and more lovable.