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You can experience the shaving of your predecessor a century ago! That's such a razor! [Name insert/gift] OLD FLORENCE ORIGIO Double -blade razor

Sale price¥6,600 Regular price¥11,000


New products that are perfect for gifts are available from Italy!

A custom -made product ordered by a razor club to the workshop.

* This product isBoth blades razor modelam.
* With a series of makeup boxes common to the series
If you would like a ribbon seal, please select.


The ancestor of the safety razor, double -edged razor model
Please experience the sharp and old -fashioned classical shaving comfort.
The bright tone mud silver is easy to hold and familiar with your hand.

* The razor stand will be sold separately

  • Weight 75g
  • Length 110mm
  • Maximum width 18mm
5 replacement blades

The sculpture to this razor looks slightly lighter because the holder itself has a bright silver color.
* The appearance of the character of the sculpture may change depending on the coating of the base.


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You can experience the shaving of your predecessor a century ago! That's such a razor! [Name insert/gift] OLD FLORENCE ORIGIO Double -blade razor
You can experience the shaving of your predecessor a century ago! That's such a razor! [Name insert/gift] OLD FLORENCE ORIGIO Double -blade razor Sale price¥6,600 Regular price¥11,000



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