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Classical 2 -blade+latest 5 -piece blade can be used/ razor club limited to Italy 2in1 razor RA352T OLD FLORENCE OTTONE Invecchiato Named service

Sale price¥5,500 Regular price¥11,000


Razor Club Original

2in1RAZOR that can use both classical two -blade and the latest 5 blades

The characteristic of this razor is!

"New Water New"

Know the old razor and know the current cutting edge!

Recommended gift item for those who are full of quests

By replacing the head part by yourself, you can use 2 -blade and 5 blades as you like.
A two -blade with a classical shaving comfort released in the 1970s
5 -blade with the current cutting -edge shaving comfort released in the 2000s

Please try the shaving comfort of both sides.

2 -blade chic super 2 Ultra plus
5 -blade Gillet Gillet Series Compatible

A custom -made product ordered by a razor club to the workshop.

* With a cosmetic box common to the series
If you want a ribbon seal, please select.

For example, I want to enjoy the real pleasure of shaving! Please try a fixed two -blade.
Shave the two sharp blades on the skin and shave them down from the cheeks to the chin.
The razor blade is transmitted from the razor to the hand when shaving a beard, and you can feel it at the same time as your skin!
A half -blade razor, half a century, is still alive.

Try 5 blades for skin -friendly shaving comfort.
It's a gentle shaving feel than pursuing a deep shaving! By increasing the number of razors, the burden on the skin per sheet is distributed.
Jorijori! Instead of shaving, shave the beard beautifully with the feeling of sliding on the skin.

* The razor stand will be sold separately
The name is engraved on the upper part when 5 blades are mounted.

Please understand that the name is shifted when replacing it with a two -blade.

  • Weight 62g
  • Length 135mm
  • Maximum width 18mm
With one replacement blade

Please understand that the sculpture to this razor is an antique -like brass design, and the sculpture is engraved in black or white depending on the location.
* The appearance of the sculpture site may change depending on the coating of the base.

The stand will be packed separately
Only a razor's makeup box can be gifted, but the stand will be delivered with simple packaging.


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  • 下地のコーティングにより彫刻箇所の文字の見え方がサンプルと異なる場合がございます
  • 東京・千葉・埼玉・神奈川 550円
  • その他関東甲信越・富山・東海近畿地方 660円
  • 福島・石川・福井・中国四国地方 770円
  • その他東北地方 880円
  • 九州地方(一部除く) 990円
  • 北海道 1100円
  • 鹿児島 1320円
  • 沖縄 2000円

Classical 2 -blade+latest 5 -piece blade can be used/ razor club limited to Italy 2in1 razor RA352T OLD FLORENCE OTTONE Invecchiato Named service
Classical 2 -blade+latest 5 -piece blade can be used/ razor club limited to Italy 2in1 razor RA352T OLD FLORENCE OTTONE Invecchiato Named service Sale price¥5,500 Regular price¥11,000



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