Happy New Year 2023 Memories of the year -end event that celebrates the New Year every year.
Notice of winter vacation
Beard makes fashion fun! I found
I enjoy new one's appearance from April. (skin care of the country U.K. origin of apparel complete history and the gentleman reading in "イノベーター")
The Yokohama Barbershop, which can feel the United States as well as ROUTE66, is a good one.B-COLECTOR.(Article)
Schick Shaving Makes the supervision of the advice
June 8, July 8, we published the paper on the Nikkei newspaper, MJ.
BARNEYS BARBER'S SHOP by KAMISORI CLUB146 [news (July 1 update) of the business reopening]
The barber chair is the highest mountain in the chair.
Contemplation to PARKER Safety Razor
SCHICK Club communication 2. What! A present arrived from SCHICK